We are so pleased to feature our active chapters as we enter the school year! It’s takes a movement to overcome the challenges and adversity in our communities, and the College Democrats of New York can only do so much on its own. Take a look at our currently active chapters and learn more about them! Don’t see your school? Don’t worry! Reach out to your local College Democrats club and have them register with the Chartering Form here! If your college does not have a College Democrats club, reach out to us at collegedemsny@gmail.com, and we can help you get started!
Bard College
President: Vinson Russell
Congressional District:
Patrick Ryan (NY-18)
Senate District:
Michelle Hinchey (SD-41)
Assembly District:
Sarahana Shrestha (AD-103)
Email: barddems@outlook.com
Binghamton University
President: Ryan Gaire
Vice President: Alexandra Levitt
Treasurer: Addyson Buechi
Secretary: Marco Flores
Communications Director: Akshirtha Selvakumar
Political Director: Peter Levy
Congressional District:
Marcus Molinaro (NY-19)
Senate District:
Lea Webb (SD-52)
Assembly District:
Donna A. Lupardo (AD-123)
Email: dems@binghamtonsa.org
Instagram: @bingdems
Colgate University
Congressional District:
Brandon M. Williams (NY-22)
Senate District:
Joseph Griffo (SD-53)
Assembly District:
Joe Angelino (AD-121)
Email: Collegedemocrats@colgate.edu
Instagram: @colgatedemocrats
Cornell University
President: Niles Hite
Vice President: Saad Razzak
Treasurer: Matthew Kiviat
Secretary: Jorge Mariño
Operations Director: Luke Thomas
Political Director: Adam Vinson
Communications Director: Sowad Ocean Karim
Congressional District:
Marcus Molinaro (NY-19)
Senate District:
Lea Webb (SD-52)
Assembly District:
Anna Kelles (AD-125)
Email: cornelldems@cornell.edu
Instagram: @cornelldems
New York University
President: Saha Guerrero
Vice President: Tasha Savas
Treasurer: Omar Mahmood
Secretary: Griffin Lee
Digital Director: Bridget Matthews
Events Director: Barney Riley
Political Director: Mikala Gruber
Congressional District:
Dan Goldman (NY-10)
Senate District:
Brian Kavanagh (SD-27)
Assembly District:
Deborah J. Glick (AD-66)
Rochester Institute of Technology
President: Demi Riegel
Vice President: Colin Ward
Treasurer: Declan Harty
Outreach Chair: Jakob Langtry
Congressional District:
Joseph D. Morelle (NY-25)
Senate District:
Jeremy A. Cooney (SD-56)
Assembly District:
Harry B. Bronson (AD-138)
Email: ritdemocrats@gmail.com
Facebook:RIT College Democrats
Instagram: @ritdemocrats
Twitter/X: @RITDemocrats
St. Lawrence University
Congressional District:
Elise M. Stefanik (NY-21)
Senate District:
Daniel G. Stec (SD-45)
Assembly District:
Scott A. Gray (AD-116)
Email: Egbrow18@stlawu.edu
Instagram: @sludemocrats
Stony Brook University
President: Richard Vatawat
Vice President: Lorenzo Perlmutter
Treasurer: Matthew Supa
Secretary: Sean Camas
Congressional District:
Nicholas J. LaLota (NY-01)
Senate District:
Anthony H. Palumbo (SD-01)
Assembly District:
Edward A. Flood (AD-04)
Email: stonydems_club@stonybrook.edu
Instagram: @stonybrookdems
SUNY New Paltz
President: Isabel (Isa) Rodriguez
Congressional District:
Patrick Ryan (NY-18)
Senate District:
Michelle Hinchey (SD-41)
Assembly District:
Sarahana Shrestha (AD-103)
Email: npyoungdems@gmail.com
Instagram: @npcollegedems
SUNY Fredonia
President: Alexander Fisher
Vice President: Marisa Zoerb
Congressional District:
Nick Langworthy (NY-23)
Senate District:
George M. Borrello (SD-57)
Assembly District:
Andrew W. Goodell (AD-150)
Email: alextfish74@gmail.com
Instagram: @sunyfreddemocrats
University of Rochester
President: Gautam Bajaj
Vice President: Jake Scinta
Business Manager: Alex Hegewald
Secretary: Jessie Zhou
Publicity Chair: Mykhailo Mazalevskyi
Community Liaison: Arsen Kariazov
Congressional District:
Joseph D. Morelle (NY-25)
Senate District:
Jeremy A. Cooney (SD-56)
Assembly District:
Demond L. Meeks (AD-137)
Email: uofrcollegedems@gmail.com
Instagram: @uofrcollegedemocrats