CDNY 2024 Election Results

Note: This statement was sent via email

Dear CDNY Members,

Thank you to everyone who attended today's convention. I thought it went really well, and I appreciate your participation and engagement throughout the event.

I'm pleased to announce the results of the CDNY 2024 elections:

- President: Alexander Fisher
- Vice President: Vinson Russell
- Chief of Staff: Michael Williams
- Finance/Development Director: Eliza Brown
- Membership Director: Alex Ferguson
- Communications Director: Sowad Ocean Karim
- Political Director: Peter Levy

Congratulations to all the newly elected officers! I'm confident that each of you will do an excellent job in your respective roles and contribute to the continued success of our organization. Your role will begin effective immediately at 12:01 on May 13, 2024.

It has been an honor to serve as president of this great organization. I want to express my gratitude to all of you for your support and dedication. I look forward to seeing this organization grow as we move toward November and beyond.

Thank you again for your commitment to CDNY.

Best regards,

Brandon Gonzalez, President

College Democrats of New York (CDNY)


Contact Information:

Sowad Ocean Karim

Communications Director

Organization Info:

College Democrats of New York


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