College Democrats of New York Condemn the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse the ATF’s bump stock ban

The College Democrats of New York condemn the Supreme Court’s decision last week to reverse the ATF’s bump stock ban. This measure was put in place after the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting left 60 people dead and over 400 injured, and this decision, which was decided on a 6-3 split along party lines, opens the floodgates for dangerous firearm attachments to reenter the market and sets a dangerous precedent for firearm regulations in the United States. 

Bump stocks enable semiautomatic weapons to fire multiple rounds in rapid succession, similar to a machine gun. In 2017, the Las Vegas shooter used bump stocks in his sick campaign to indiscriminately and senselessly murder innocent Americans.

In 2022, 48,204 Americans died from guns. Nearly 20,000 of those were gun-related homicides.

 In 2021, New York State saw 3,500 New Yorkers become victims of gun violence. Our country already faces an epidemic of mass shootings and endures tens of thousands of needless gun-related deaths each year. The Supreme Court’s decision will only fan the flames of this heartbreaking stain on our democracy.

Bump stocks, like all semiautomatic weapons or attachments, are tools of murder and do not belong on our country’s streets. We applaud New York State for passing a law banning the use of bump stocks statewide in 2020. Now, we call on Congress to pass a strict, life-saving measure banning the sale and possession of bump stocks in our country. CDNY is committed to doing our part to end the gun violence epidemic across America.


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Sowad Ocean Karim

Communications Director

Organization Info:

College Democrats of New York


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