College Democrats of New York Condemn the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine

The Chevron Doctrine has been settled constitutional law for over 40 years now, a super-precedent, and the College Democrats of New York are saddened to see the court overturn this administrative law ruling by another 6-3 margin, turning the court into an ideological playground instead of an impartial arbiter of justice for all.

The Chevron case, at the time it was decided, was seen as a win for conservatives, as it stopped agencies from being proactive in their regulations against big business

Agencies were now in more of a reactive role, reliant on only textual interpretation within a law. This created a public-private partnership balance, and Chevron has been settled law for over 40 years.

Experts in fields such as the environment, trade, and firearms should get the final say on regulations at the federal level. This was a common-sense policy to smooth out legal litigation, save the taxpayers more money, and craft better regulations in each policy area.

Overturning the Chevron Doctrine will create a massive backlog of the judicial system and weaken federal regulators against the wall of top corporate lawyers representing Chevron, Exxon, and others looking to overturn every wetland and forestry regulation they can. It’s another decision with alarming consequences for increased corporate power in America.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her dissent, “If the [Supreme Court] majority thinks that the same judges who argue today about where ‘ambiguity’ resides are not going to argue tomorrow about what ‘respect’ requires, I fear it will be gravely disappointed.”

We are disappointed in the court’s overturning of this landmark decision. We, the College Democrats of New York, stand opposed to this decision and are committed to doing our part to work towards fair, responsible agency regulation here in New York and in the country as a whole.


Contact Information:

Sowad Ocean Karim

Communications Director

Organization Info:

College Democrats of New York


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