College Democrats of New York on Supreme Court’s Ruling on Presidential Immunity

The College Democrats of New York condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

The Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity, which grants the President immunity under the Constitution for ‘official acts,’ erodes a democratic norm put in place by our founders that no one person is above the law. With this ruling, constitutional scholars and democracy experts have raised alarms over the prospect that any president can interfere with executive agencies, commit acts of treason, and not be held liable because of the immunity now granted to presidents.

The ruling in 23-939 Trump v. United States sets a dangerous precedent regarding presidential immunity.

We cannot rule out the possibility that Trump’s actions during this time may be found by the conservative majority to have been ‘official acts,’ and hence deemed immune from any legal prosecution.

This Supreme Court has been reckless and unabashedly partisan in its ruling. Justices Alito and Thomas, both of whom have faced widespread criticism for their partisan alliances and statements regarding the 2020 election, should recuse themselves from this case and all future cases relating to election law, considering Thomas’ undisclosed gifts from billionaire donors and his wife Ginni’s insurrectionist rhetoric during that time.

We are disappointed in this Supreme Court decision. No person should be above the law in a fair and just democracy—not even the President of the United States. We must not cede an inch to individuals who seek to undermine our nation and transform it into a dictatorship. We must fight for the America we want to see.


Contact Information:

Sowad Ocean Karim

Communications Director

Organization Info:

College Democrats of New York


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