College Democrats of New York on Supreme Court’s Ruling on Permitting Punishment for Homeless Sleeping

We condemn the Supreme Court’s ruling that cities have the right to arrest unhoused people for sleeping in public. In many cases, there is NO viable alternative for unhoused individuals. Shelters are overcrowded, and affordable public housing is hard to come by. This cruel ruling allows municipalities to criminalize the mere existence of unhoused individuals.

By upholding an ordinance banning people from sleeping in boxes with pillows and blankets, The Court has opened the door for further demonization of those most in need. This ruling pushes those struggling to find proper housing into areas with less access to food water and necessities.

For this reason, this ruling is not only unjust but inhumane.

The case originated from a city ordinance in Grants Pass, Oregon, which banned people sleeping in boxes with pillows or blankets in the open within city limits. The Supreme Court has opened the door for more brutalization & demonization of those most in need in our communities while pushing them out into areas where they are most vulnerable to harm.

Criminalizing homelessness is not the way to combat the housing crisis we are facing in this country. We call on municipalities across New York State to protect their unhoused individuals.

We urge our elected officials to support legislation such as NY Assemblymember Rosenthal’s Homeless Protection Act, which designates certain offenses against unhoused persons as hate crimes and commend the City of New York for adopting a ‘homeless bill of rights’ last year, advancing protections for homeless people within the city.

It is unfair and immoral to prosecute homeless people for existing in public, especially when the system within which they live does not sufficiently address their needs. There is nowhere for them to go but outside.


Contact Information:

Sowad Ocean Karim

Communications Director

Organization Info:

College Democrats of New York


College Democrats of New York on Supreme Court’s Ruling on Presidential Immunity